Archive for March, 2008
Monday, March 31st, 2008The celebration of St.Patrick day in Moscow
Monday, March 17th, 2008Moscow was holding a parade on Sunday to celebrate the Irish national holiday, St. Patrick’s Day.
The total numbe of viewers was aront 3000, while the “order” was supported by 2000 police officers. The fun was a bit forced, I would say.
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В Москве прошел парад в честь национального праздника Ирландии – Дня Святого Патрика.
На двух зрителей приходился один милиционер. Веселье было несколько натужным, надо сказать.
Panorama by Andrey Ilyin –, Moscow
Shukhov Radio Tower – Шуховская башня
Thursday, March 13th, 2008This piece of outstanding engineering and architectural design was built by the Russian engineer an scientist Vladimir Shukov in 1922, soon after Civil War, devastated the Russia. It’s original project height was 300+ meters, but the shortage of steel in a post-war country forced to decrease it to 160 meters.
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Этот выдающийся образец архитектурной и инженерной мысли был построен известным русским инженером и учёным Владимиром Шуховым в 1922 году, вскоре после завершения гражданской войны. Первоначальный проект предусматривал возведение башни высотой в 300 метров, но из-за нехватки стали в разорённой стране высоту пришлось ограничить 160 метрами.
Panorama by Andrey Ilyin –, Moscow
Future Shorts Spring in the 35MM cinema
Thursday, March 13th, 2008From 7th to 10th of March in 35MM cinema went the program of great short and animation films Future Shorts Spring
The program included:
No room for Gerold
On s’embrasse?
Lost Utopia
She Loves Me She Loves Me Not
Je taime John Wayne
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Panorama by Andrey Ilyin, Moscow
Metro station Ohotny Ryad
Friday, March 7th, 2008The sample of (almost) obslolete technology
Tuesday, March 4th, 2008Really, I can’t recall the last time I used the public phone. But I remember HOW is was happening – somebody gave me a phone card and I spent at leat thre minutes trying to figure out how to use it and which buttons to push (my mobile was discharged or left at home, don’t remember)
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Panorama by Andrey Ilyin, Moscow
100 meters aside from the tourist path
Monday, March 3rd, 2008This restaurant is for locals. It doesn’t mean that the quality of cooking is lower: the only thing that is lower – the price for your lunch.
The moral: don’t afraid to step from the standard tourist’s path!
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Panorama by Andrey Ilyin, Egypt